July 2014
Final results of IBC Harbin, China
June 2014
First round of EC 2014
Dear friends,
we would like to invite you for the first round of EC 2014.
EC 2014 starts in Valgoglio in 27 days!
Don´t forget to do the pre-inscription for your riders, discount 5€ viz. agenda.
See you on 13.7.2014 in Valgoglio in Italy!!
Libor Musil
EBU President
April 2014
WBC 2014 - News
Dear BikeTrial friends,
a very important news from Spain today:
Our friend Mr. Rafa De La Torre call me on telephone today about this very good news. Rafa, with a very good job, find a positive solution to the problem about the Spanish competition of the WBC 2014. Some minutes ago I receive official communication from BikeTrial Union Espanola to confirm this news.
The Agreement of the first round of the WBC 2014 is now signed and in the hands of Rafa.
The first Round of the WBC 2014 programmed the 09 and 10 August 2014 in Muinos (deleted) is moved in the town of Bueu (Pontevedra) in the Galizia region.
The organizer of the competition in Bueu will be a Moto Trial Club with a very good experience in events organization. Section, Camping, Observers, Open and Award ceremony and many others things will be OK in Bueu.
The date of the competition will be, of course, the same.
The new Calendar of the WBC 2014 will be:
09 - 10 August 2014 - Bueu (Spain)
16 - 17 August 2014 - Odena (Catalunya)
23 - 24 August 2014 - Tanvald (Czech Rep.)
All the 3 Official Agenda will be ready in a very short time.
Others new information about the competitions will be shared in few days.
I will update news also on BIU web site.
Thank to BikeTrial Union Espanola for this results.
The WBC 2014 will be on 3 competitions.
Best regards,
Giuliano Gualeni
Fresh and nice news from Italy:
We are going to have European cup 2014 as well!!!
13 July 2014 in Valgolgio (Italy)
It will be a very good opportunity to compete internationaly just before WBC 2013 in a very nice piece of Italy and enjoy your holiday. For update watch our web pages.
January 2014
June 2013
May 2013
April 2013
March 2013
February 2013
January 2013
Push-Bike in Corbera de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Amazing game for children from 2 to 5 years old take place on the 5th January in Corbera de Llobregat, just 12Km from Barcelona city.
It was amazing game (no competition) for about 35 children. The organizer were from the Moto Club Corbera.
Pere Pi, promotor
BAC (BikeTrial Associació Catalana)
December 2012
Christmas greetings:
BT Germany
Joerg Treue:
Ahoj Libor,
Radostne vanoce a Stastny a vesely novy rok !
November 2012
October 2012
Good morning.
I´m proudly presenting my new website to all the world.
After more than two years of exciting work, is available in Internet my new site www.trialsin.es. This site would like to be the virtual encyclopedia of classic Biketrial, from the first tries until 1992, when Trialsin name dissappeared. There you'll find a lot of sections where find all relative to that times, so different from now.
I wish this site like you and your visit transport you to some of the most happy moments of your life.
Best regards
Enric Gibert Castroverde
September 2012
August 2012
July 2012
Results of the 2nd round of WBC 2012 in Spain:
RESULTS - Complete
Results of the 1st round of WBC 2012 in France:
Dear delegats,
I am going to send you the plan for WBC of each round.
Please check.
I need your corporation for our events.
I will join WBC in Italy.
I hope to see you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Below is the official of 2012 WBC. We need your corporation.
The proxy president: Giuliano Gualeni
The WBC manager: Giuliano Gualeni
Read juror: Radim Kakac
July 1: France/Jean-Luc Chevalier
July 2: Catalonia/Josep Abant
July 3: Italy/ Giuliano Gualeni
Jury 4: Japan/Fumio Yamamoto
Jury 5: Slovakia/Stefan Pcola
The proxy president: Radim Kakac
The WBC manager: Radim Kakac
Read juror: Radim Kakac
July 1: Japan/Fumio Yamamoto
July 2: Catalonia/Josep Abant
July 3: GB/Anthony Rew
Jury 4: Sweden/Roger Backgren
Jury 5: Slovakia/Stefan Pcola
The president: Hiroshi Hirano
The WBC manager: Hiroshi Hirano
Read juror: Radim Kakac
July 1: Italy/Giuliano Gualeni
July 2: Catalonia/Josep Abant
July 3: Sweden/Roger Backgren
July 4: Japan/Fumio Yamamoto
Jury 5: Slovakia/Stefan Pcola
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
New BIU Technical Rules are here:
BIU Technical Rules 2012
Fresh news from Spain:
Please enter the license numbers and the country.
ATTENTION!! Will extend the deadline for pre-registration until April 25. But, please Do it as soon as possible, for better anticipation of the organization!
Tomorrow will send more information, previous of the race.
The local club, "BikeTrial Matarranya" was doing a great job and will be a great competition, we're waiting.
Administration BikeTrial Spain
March 2012
Report from Mr.Giuliano Giualeni (Italian delegate and 2012 WBC organiser) about his trip to Japan where he took part in Asia Pacifik BikeTrial Conference as an European Ambassador
Hello Libor,
I am return yesterday “in one piece” at 15:00 in Italy. Daniele and Sara pick up me in airport.
I lived a very good experience in Japan and I have bring to many people your salutation, in Municipal Touristic Office in Kyoto, to the Major of Kameoka and to all participants in competition. I am a real “Ambassador” now … ahahaha …
I see two new important activity: Kameoka Cup and Blind BikeTrial.
Kameoka Cup:
KC is a “Traditional – NOT – Traditional” competition. What I mean ?
It is a “traditional” BikeTrial competition but with many many little modification that create the perfect environment for new comers. It very strange (but very beautiful) meet 55 years old people with BikeTrial and woman with children in competition ! Very nice.
This is possible with the little but important modification that Hiro and Mishima have create for Kameoka Cup competition formula. I think that very soon in Italy I can organize the first “Kameoka Italian Event”. Yes.
I think also Traditional - Not - Traditional definition is a good name for this competition. Maybe We can use "TNT - BikeTrial" for start this new activity in BIU - EBU.
Blind BikeTrial:
VERY important activity. So important that we must use attention before public speaking of this activity. I think that other Federation like UCI can stolen us this good idea. I suggest to Hiro to write on paper the rules and send us in Europe to sign and give legal value on rules. At least on the chronology and paternity of this new Sport. It is a simple version of BikeTrial for Blind people. In BikeTrial exist the “Minder” and it is usual in BikeTrial.
The Minder is the co-protagonist with the Rider in Blind BikeTrial. He must talk with the Rider and explain he the direction and other suggestion. I think Blind BikeTrial is a really very important activity for EBU – BIU and we can organize the first Event in Europe of this new Sport very soon to have paternity in EBU. This is the only way to give at blind people the possibility to compete with bike.
This is the only way to give at blind people the possibility to enjoy with bike.
In all traditional other para-olympic sport blind are on the behind of tandem. They don’t ride directly the bike. In BBT this is possible.
BBT is also the way for BIU to have para-olympic (Official) activity.
Very very important.
What do you think ?
Spanish Championship (17.-18.3.) is also available for international riders
Dear riders,
Enclosed you will find the information about the first round of Spain Championship. next 17-18 march in Torredembarra. 25° edition!
Riders from outside Spain who want to participate, pre-registration can be made by sending mail and form. pay the race day € 15.
If the rider's don't send pre-registration, pay the day of the race € 25.
Administración BAC / BUE
BikeTrial Associació Catalana
BikeTrial Unión Espanola
February 2012
Dear Hiro and Libor.
The February 12 held the first competition of the 2012. In Torredembarra (Catalonia)
A school championship (schools and clubs of biketrial), with more than 50 riders, was a good day.
There was the promotional category of veterans with 5 riders.
Push also the category with 7 riders, including Cabestany sisters, daughters of Albert Cabestany!!!!
Video: http://vimeo.com/36843808
This time also promoted regional sports council informed the schools making a call for students to come to know the sport. the experience was good and involved 32 students. We prepared a special area for them, initiation, and loans bikes ..
In total over 80 people on a good day in BikeTrial Park of Torredembarra!!
Results and photos in www.biketrial-spain.com
Administración BAC / BUE
BikeTrial Associació Catalana
BikeTrial Unión Espanola
January 2012
Dear Mr. Hiroshi Hirano, president of Biketrial International Union, and Mr. Libor Musil, president of European Biketrial Union,
BUE / BAC administration has already communicated the results of the Elections in Catalunya and Spain where the elected candidates were me, Josep Abant, to direct the Biketrial Associació Catalana and Rafael de la Torre for the Biketrial Unión Espanola.
This letter is my official presentation, I am willing to help you from Catalunya for all necessary, and I ask you to temporarily add address to the communication about topics related with Biketrial.
All members of the board want to contribute to improve and enlarge the Biketrial and the riders. We are already working on it, and we hope we can do a good job.
Best regards,
Josep Abant
Associació Catalana de Biketrial
November 2011
October 2011
We have received this information from Mr. Pere Pi who is a founder of our lovely sport. It´s the inspiration for our European BikeTrial community.
Push-BikeTrial of Alcaniz (Spain), 15.10.11
The BikeTrial Bajo Aragon organized his first Push-BikeTrial ( bicycle without pedals) with a great success on the occasion of the last round towards the Spanish BikeTrial Championship. The event took place in the “ Motorland “ (International motor and car truck of Alcaniz).
The Push-BikeTrial are “ Sportive-Fests” for children from 2 to 5 years old, resulting super-happy events towards the families as well.
Attached: The results and some photos. I will send you de small video later, after I receive from the organizer).
Pere Pi ( Push-BikeTrial Promotor )
Biketrial Club Bajo Aragón
Trial Matarraná
BikeTrial Unión espanola
RESULTS - Push Biketrial
September 2011
Dear friends
Saturday the 24th was held the final round of the Swedish Championships. The course was very muddy and slippery because of a massive rain the week before the comp. During the comp we had sunshine and it became a good day with some good results and some high scores. This time we had competitors from four countrys, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and France.
I’ll attach the results from the day and the overall results.
Sincerely yours
Roger Backgren
Biketrial Sweden
BIU/EBU Delegate
Results - Hawkhills
Final results
Dear friends
Yesterday was held the 4th round of the Swedish Championship in Björkvik.
Once again we were lucky with the weather, no rain in any comp in Sweden so fare this year.
Two weeks left to the final round.
Sincerely yours
Results - Swedish Championship Bjorkvik
Hi Libor, Anna, Here a small report from Denmark, not much text but the pictures say it all :0)) In the last 3 weeks we have arranged 2 and 3 round of the Danish Championship, both rounds was fantastic, the 2 round was the official opening of the new Trial and Parkour Park in Viborg. 60 riders and a lot of public all day. The sections were perfect with a lot of precision and jumps.
See more pictures: http://kantate.smugmug.com/Sports/My-SmugMug-Site-Files-Do-Not/18730655_XkS8Zj#1451676281_JL6vJRV
3 Round was hold in a forest with a lot of old concrete a great nature with trees and blue sky. Again a lot of riders, 55 in all but a lot of kids in young ages. Good for the future bike trial in Denmark.
The competition was a great success, parents could not believe that their kids could do on a bike, normally they only see them on pallets behind their house.
The sections were perfect, very technical with a lot of small stones and slippery ground before the jumps. Some spectacular jumps in group E and A.
Pictures from Mejrup Trial Club, they got a lot of young riders, mostly Monty 207 bikes.
Have a nice day.
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
August 2011
Dear friends
We have just finished a great weekend with two competitions in the Swedish Championship.
I think that the boys and girls are a bit exhausted now after 40 sections in two days.
I'll attach the results.
Results 13.8.2011
Results 14.8.2011
Sincerely yours
Roger Backgren
Swedish delegate
BikeTrial - sport for Swedish countryside!
Dear friends.
Last week was arranged the world's largest camp for scouts in Sweden, a festival with nearly 50 000 people in addition to socialize and exchange experiences also treated to several performances. On one of these shows where everyone gathered as spectators showed many of our skilled trial cyclists off their tricks and skills. It was Peter Bäckgren which through cycling friends in Gothenburg got in touch with the director and creative director for the shows, and soon began to discuss how bike trial could be in appearance under the theme "Things to do in the Swedish countryside." After many emails and meetings with the ideas, they came up with a concept, bike trial should be presented before the big show really broke loose, a show that also contained the MC trial acquaintance Swedish Hampus Fardby and his Bikeshow.se.
Peter gathered up the riders who wanted to be in the show, and planned a trip around southern Sweden with stops at various places of interest for trial riders. Much thanks to Hawkhills Club from Knäred was ten riders on two scenes for nearly an hour cycling infront of an audience that included about 50 000 people from nearly 150 countries. Hopefully this demonstration provided bike trial much exposure in the media and got many curious about the sport.
Have a look at Nadines pictures from the week:
Sincerely yours
Roger Backgren
Swedish delegate
BikeTrial is in my heart
BikeTrial is all I need
sometimes it's so hard...
but biketrial i's my dream.
Pren aquest somni meravellós
disfruta'l, viu-lo intensament,
practica'l al mig del bosc...
BIKETRIAL un sentiment!
Deja brotar la pasión
por un deporte limpio y natural,
para mi el deporte campeón
!si senor el Biketrial!
Take your machine
i anem a fer biketrial
alone with the bike
te sentirás genial.
And after the race
Amb els teus amics i companys
you can sing the song
of: B - I - K - E - T - R - I - A - L!
BikeTrial is in my heart
BikeTrial is all I need
sometimes it's so hard...
but biketrial i's my dream.
July 2011
June 2011
Dear BikeTrial Delegates, Riders, Friends,
We would like to inform you about the current collection balance. We have received 331 euro and 20 GBP. We would like to thank to all donors.
You can still contribute to help for Japanese BikeTrial friends via the E.B.U. account (nr: 35-4355360257/0100, IBAN CZ1001000000354355360257, SWIFT (BIC) KOMBCZPPXXX), operation symbol is 1100100 or hand them over directly to the E.B.U. Treasurer Mr. Janoška during the EC in France.
We thank you very much in advance for all contributions.
Sincerely yours,
Anna Smehlikova
EBC Sweden
Hello Dear friends,
Great compliment for the organization. Only one Rider from Italy, Andrea Riva, unfortunately in Italy June is the time for school examination.
Instead July / August is the time to nominate the organizer of the WBC 2012 ... !!!!
On our web site www.biketrialitalia.it we was published video and other report on EC Bjorkvik competition.
Giuliano Gualeni
Italian BIU Delegate
May 2011
Dear Libor and Anna.
Today was organized an competition between the top 6 of Swedish champs 2010.
The comp was held in Alingsas with a lot of spectators.
Bo had made quite hard sections so it was a good warm up before the EBC.
Results are attached
See you soon
Dear Anna and Hiro
Last Saturday was held the first round of the the Swedish Championship.
This time we tried a new venue in Skarhamn, close to the coastline, realy nice rocks and cliffs.
We where also very lucky with the weather, clear sun and a mild breeze. Earlier in that week we had freezing cold in the mornings and even some snow one morning.
The comp. was organized by the clubs in Partille and Alingsas
I'll attach the results.
Sincerely yours
Roger Backgren
Biketrial Sweden
BIU/EBU Delegate
April 2011
- Charitable collection for Japan
- Current collection balance (11/05/2011)
- Dear BikeTrial Delegate, Riders, Friends,
The today´s current collection balance is: 200 EUR and 20 GBP.
If you want to contribute to help for Japanese BikeTrial friends, please let us know. You can submit your contributions via the E.B.U. account (nr: 35-4355360257/0100, IBAN CZ1001000000354355360257, SWIFT (BIC) KOMBCZPPXXX), operation symbol is 1100100 or hand them over directly to the E.B.U. Treasurer Mr. Janoška during the EBC in Sweden.
We thank you very much in advance for all contributions.
Sincerely yours,
Anna Smehliková - Dear Anna
We are planning to have a collection during the EBC.
Hope to see you there
Sincerely yours
Roger - Hello Anna,
during the next round of Italian Championship, Sunday 15th May we collect offer from rider.
Now we have ready € 100 from BikeTrial Italia case.

March 2011
Dear Anna,
I send you information from 2 summer stage's in Catalonia. Regards
Administración BUE
Biketrial Unión Espanola
Stay in Vilanova de Prades from June 25 to June 30
Campus and Stage pre-World Championship in Torredembarra from 10 to July 16
Dear Anna,
We have spent Torredembarra's competition to another date, obviously only of Championship of Spain and Catalonia.
The date is interesting because we realize two competitions of Championship Spain and Catalonia in a weekend.
Organized by club BikeTrial Costa Daurada.
On Saturday, the 2nd of April in Torredembarra, schedule 14h start the race.
On Sunday, the 3rd of April in Vilanova de Prades, schedule 10h start the race.
It can be interesting for riders of different countries though it's C.Espana.
Please send these information to the delegates.
On the other hand, I want to transmit the desire to fulfil European Cup in 2012, in Spain, in Valderrobres a place where already championship of Spain has been realized previous years and they have a great equipment of work.
It's possible to reserve adte to 2012?
Administración BUE
Biketrial Unión Espanola
New BikeTrial Delegate in Andorra
Dear BikeTrial Delegates,
I would like to inform you about a change in a representation of BikeTrial in Andorra.
Mr. Xavi Casas requested us to stop his active work in BikeTrial as delegate in Andorra. The E.B.U. thanked Xavi for a good work and support for our sport. We wish Xavi good luck and the best in the future.
We also got a letter from Mr. Jesús Medrano Bigas, who showed interest in working as a delegate BikeTrial in Andorra. I am sending you this letter (see below), where are contact details for Mr. Medrano. The E.B.U. Committee unanimously agreed the change of delegate in Andorra.
We wish Mr. Medrano good luck in his new position and look forward to good cooperation and development of BikeTrial in Andorra.
Sincerely yours.
Hi Libor,
My name is Jesus Medrano Bigas, and I will from now, in case EBU considers it as appropriate, deal with BikeTrial issues in Andorra.
I am the father and the minder of Xus Medrano Rodrigo (www.xuslocura.com) being runner BikeTrial and I usually accompany him to competitions. He is training in Cesar Canas academy and we are participating in Catalan an Spanish championships. On 2011 we will also intend to run in Europe and the World championship if possible. Last year we were invited to the World Championship run in Vilanova de Prades, with much satisfaction.
Our country is a very small country with a total population of about 80,000 inhabitants. My intention is to try to revive in Andorra the taste of the Biketrial and increase the current number licenses (less than 5!), especially with future promises which I will start to detect ASAP close to cycling contacts, clubs and schools. I will keep you informed. Note: I also know about UCI and I have no trouble about it; let’s be as positive as possible.
Manage, control and resolve all matters relating to administrative issues (licenses, registrations, insurances, etc.) will be my first priority. I am already in contact with Mr. Molla, Mr. Arjona, Mr. de la Torre and their administrations. I would like to thank in advance their help and cooperation. And yours, of course!
After being in contact with the families currently practicing this sport in Andorra (I got their agreement), I would like to propose my candidature to EBU. In case you consider it is valid, please, just let me know what would you need as documents or so.
From my side, in case EBU agree with my delegation for Andorra, I will appreciate a formal recognition (so as to issue signing the licenses as 2011 delegate) and, if possible, a file with the original vector image of licenses format (urgent).
Thank you for your attention.
VIDEO of César Canas - "Sigo Aqui, Pasión por el Trial" - Chapter One
Dear delegates, riders, families and those accompanying,
The European Cup event, that was to take place on 12.3.2011 in Torradenbarra in Catalonia has been cancelled. The final decision on the cancelling of the event had, in the end, to be taken by me.
The reasons for cancelling the event were the state of the course and also the possible results of the imperfect organisation of the event. Unfortunately the organisers were not able to organise a good level of international event due to massive rainfall, wind, low temperatures and also the fact that the event had been organised in a BikeTrial park that had been partially flooded. There was even electricity failure which would have meant processing the results manually, although there was not a sufficiently large dry space available. The tents that had been prepared were not appropriate for the organisers' work in such a strong wind. The organisers from usually warm and dry Catalonia had not counted on a wet weather scenario and although after 3 hours this morning we tried to fix a new sections, it was only a provisional solution.
It was not certain that at least the basic standard for an international event would be achieved.
It would be worse to take responsibility for the injury and hospitalisation of a young foreign rider after allowing the start of an irregular event than to send that rider and his team home without an event at all.
Generally I don't like doing things, where right at the start I am unsure of at least a good result. I did not want to risk the good name of our Catalonian organisers from Torradenbarra in an unsuccessful event as well as EBU.
I am convinced that we will return to Torradenbarra with the European Cup and that this experience will be beneficial to all in the future.
Of course this decision will not please everyone but I am convinced that it was the right one.
In the name of the EBU thanks to all riders, minders and families who came to Catalonia. I think that the EBU will find a way to thank them all again for their efforts and I also hope that they enjoyed their stay in beautiful Torradenbarra without the competition.
Thanks to Angel Battle, Marius Molla, and their team for the event preparation. The Friday show on the square was very nice and everything was well prepared for a classic BikeTrial event in Catalonia - warm weather and a good show - as we had all hoped. However this time the weather and luck was against us.
I look forward to seeing you all at the next EBU event - the European Championship 2011 in Sweden and then the 2nd round of European Cup in France and the 3rd round of European Cup in Italy.
On a more important note at the moment our thoughts are with our Japanese BikeTrial friends!
Libor Musil
EBU president
Dear Anna,
we have created a new webpage where we intend to inform about, for example, what´s going on related to preparations of EBC 2011 in Sweden. I would like you to ask you to create a link to this new website from www.eurobiketrial.com. I hope that´s okay. The new address is http://www.biketrialebc2011.org.
Thanks in advance! ..and I hope we´ll meet one day!
Sincereley yours,
February 2011

Libor Musil visited the BikeTrial community on the collective indoor training in Italy
Libor Musil visited the BikeTrial community on the collective outdoor training in the United Kingdom
January 2011
Andrea Kabická competes for the title of Miss Czech Republic
We have some interesting news for you, and that is that our Czech BikeTrial rider Andrea Kabická is taking part in the Miss Czech Republic competition where she has been chosen among the best 14 girls. The final of this competition will take place in March 2011 and we are keeping our fingers crossed for Andrea that she finishes as high as possible. We hope that, should she win the title of Miss, it won’t take up so much of her time that we won´t meet her at our events.
Andrea, we wish you the best of luck and look forward to meet you at our BikeTrial events this year.
The European BikeTrial Union
The E.B.U. recommends this new way of warm-up before the competitions.
Have a happy and successful season in 2011!
December 2010
Dear BikeTrial Delegates, Riders and Friends,
The very successful season of BikeTrial has just finished and the most beautiful feast is just about to come – Christmas.
I would like to send you the most sincere wishes to spend it beautifully and peacefully close to your family and friends.
I wish you especially good luck and good health for the New Year, 2011. And I also wish, and I am looking forward, to spend nice moments at the EBU events, which will take place in Spain, Sweden, France and Italy next year.
I also would like to thank the organizers of this year´s events for their big efforts and good preparation. I am very glad that we could organize so many nice and beneficial competitions for our young riders.
I am looking forward to seeing you next year, and have a nice Christmas time.
Best regards,
Libor Musil
It is with pleasure that I receive your good wishes. Please receive our most sincere best wishes for 2011 and a Merry Christmas to you and to all of you.
Massimo and his familyOur best wishes for a Merry Christmas
Nice and lovely days for Everyone
Health and peace for Everyone
Libor, these are our wishes for you and your family and expect next year more riders (from Spain) can participate in the European events
Eva & Maria
2010Dear Libor
Thank's for the christmas wishes.
I hope that you and your family will have a nice christmas and a great new year.
See you soon
Cheers Roger-
We are going to inform you about a little change of our international technical rules for 2011. Actually we do not modify any penalty rules for the competition. Just some rules to make them clear and adjusted as follows. Please check those items colored in RED.
November 2010
This e-mail is send from BikeTrial Italia to all BIU Delegates. The contents of this e-mail is written or approved by Giuliano Gualeni, Italian BIU Delegate.
On www.biketrialitalia.it , first page, are the link to the beautifull TV Report by TV Globo Brasil, the first TV Network in Brasil, fourth Network in the World.
Click here to direct link:
Giuliano Gualeni
Italian BIU Delegate
BikeTrial Italia - News Letters Service
September 2010
News from Sweden
Dear Anna and Hiro
Last Sunday was held the fifth and final round of the Swedish Biketrial Championships.We where at a new venue in the south-west, rather close to Denmark.
A lot of Danish riders and also two riders from Norway attended the competition with the Swedish riders. The weather was against us so it become a realy slippery competition but the riders and spectators enjoyed it anyway.
Björn Levin became the champion for the seventh time with Joacim Nymann as runner up and Peter Bäckgren as second runner up.
Tobias Hult became our Junior champion.
I'll send you the results of the 5th round.
Sincerely yours
Roger Bäckgren
Biketrial Sweden
BIU/EBU Delegate
Hello dear friends,
Sunday 29 of August in Castelnuovo (Trento) is ended the BikeTrial Italian Championship 2010.
The Championship 2010 was consists in 8 rounds performed in: Legnano (Province of Milano), Piateda (Sondrio), Castiglioncello (Livorno), Parma, Valgoglio (Bergamo), Casargo (Lecco), Cittaducale (Rieti), Castelnuovo (Trento). The riders who participated are 87, from 24 team. The Championship is started the 03 of April and is finished the 29 of August.
Here the official ranking:
During the 2010 season two important international event was held in Italy: The European Cup in Castiglioncello and the WBC in Darfo Boario Terme.
This, for us, was a very important year because is our "first international" year. We will remember this year also our official entrance in the the BIU family, and we are happy of this experience.
The final balance is positive and we want continue on this road. The season, this year, is finished very soon and so we can think now on the next year.
Many thanks to all participants, to all NBU, to Mr. Hiro and Mr. Musil for the support. We learned many things during this event and the next time we can work well. Of course.
See you soon. Thanks to all.
Giuliano Gualeni, Italian BIU Delegate
August 2010
Dear Anna and Hiro,
This weekend was held the third and fourth round of the Swedish championships. Saturday the weather was a mixture of sun and rain but Sunday was mostly sun.
Have a nice week
Sincerely yours
Roger Bäckgren
Biketrial Sweden
BIU/EBU Delegate
Results - 21.8.2010 - Jarna
Results - 22.8.2010 - Bjorkvik
July 2010
June 2010
During the awarding ceremony of the Elite class by the 2nd round of the European Cup in Czech Republic last weekend, Javier Alonso was holding a flag of the United Kingdom to honour the memory of Gavin Bedford who tragically passed away a week ago. The whole audience then gave Gavin a powerful and long lasting applause for the way he lived. Gavin was an unforgettable rider with an amazing style and used to ride for the Ashton Diamondback team. Anyone who met Gavin would agree that he was a great person who will be largely missed not only in the community of BikeTrial riders.
The European BikeTrial Union condoles Gavin´s family and all BikeTrial community in the United Kingdom.
Here are some Gavin´s photos from the event where he was one week before his demise:
Dear Anna and Hiro
Yesterday was held the second round of the Swedish championships.
The comp was in Alingsas with beatiful weather and a a lot of spectators.
I'll attach the results.
Sincerely yours
May 2010
Dear Anna and Hiro
Yesterday was held a biketrial competition at Sofiero Castle together with Classic car and bike show.
We had 21 riders in four categories, 4 girls.
The weather was against us again with massive rain on the Saturday when the man made section was built and the other section was set out.
During the competition was a light rain that made most of the sections slippery. I hope to have some pictures to send you but I send you the results now.
Sincerely yours
Roger Bäckgren
Biketrial Sweden
BIU/EBU Delegate
The Results
1st round of the Swedish BikeTrial Championship
April 2010
Dear friends,
Results of the first race of Spain Championship.
Very good organization!
Beautiful place, hard-working people, great environment, public.. They interested in realizing European Cup or Championship for 2011.
Administración BUE
Biketrial Unión Espanola
March 2010
Great start to our trials this year, well done and congratulations to the section makers on Saturday. A good trial, very lucky with some fine weather and plenty of practicing after the event had finished. Results are attached, it is an excel file. Our next trial is at Penshurst on 9th May.
See you there,
Dave Bradley
Dear Hiro,
we are working to prepar of the WBC and I have a lot of things to say you:- I received 2 CDs. The TV one is very nice. Great compliments. They are 30 minutes really important for our sport.
- Friday afternoon the famous broadcaster TV called "Canale 5" (The most famous one TV in Italy) phoned me for this: "... a Spanish guy named Benito Ros wants to beat a Guinnes World Record (switch off some candles with a bike)". They asked me an Italian challenger. I send our Vice Italian Champion Dario Iacoponi. The transmission will forward on Saturday and I'll send you the video about it. Today there are the evidence, tomorrow there will be the registration. The authors found us media our website. www.biketrialitalia.it
- Vittorio Brumotti continues to work for the famous broadcaster "Striscia la notizia" and he is a great advertising vehicle. Good job. I wrote to him to thank. If you can, write also to him. I send you soon his e-mail.
- Thank to my client, working in Italian Ski Federation, I had the name of a television author in RAI (National Italian TV) and I hope we'll have a nation service during WBC in Darfo Boario Terme. The local TV are also guaranteed.
- I almost finish the agenda of WBC 2010 and Rai Arona from Spain prepared the "waiver and release from". When I have the draft I send you it for the control. I want to public it within 31st March.
- We found a sponsor that will realize the free camping for all riders.
- I almost finish the deal with a big group of volunteers (about 100 people) for the WBC Restaurant service that will be inside the structure you visited when there was the awards of TDN. This service will last from Tuesday 27th June to Monday 02nd August. Excellent food for everyone and reduced prices.
- With a professional Touristic Agency are listing the Hotel accommodation. This time there will be few places and we should have the reservations early. The agency is on www.monticolo.it
- We made 8000 meters of new plastic tape with our Club logo (certainly I hope don't use all tape!)
- We are doing 500 wooden stakes.
- We are preparing in a stock of building materials a artificial area with large rocks that we'll bring in front of the congress centre near the start.
- I had the patronage of the Lombardy Region.
- The week before the WBC there will be the Trial world championship few kilometers from here and we’ll do a large poster for advertise the race during this event.
- Today I received the thumbnails of photos that I did specially for the official poster.
- I send you the calendar 2010 of Italians race.
- In my next e-mail I'll tell you about the transport service Barcellona - Milano - Darfo BT.
Last Saturday was held the second round of the Swedish indoor cup, the comp was held in Björkvik with 25 competitors in four categories.
All riders rode two laps of four sections during the day, then the lower categories rode two more sections and the Elite category rode four more sections in the evening when it was more spectators .
I'll attach the results from the day and the overall ranking.
Some pictures taken by me are available on www.biketrialsweden.se on the Forum choose Media, Filmer och Bilder, Bilder fran Björkvik.
It's only the Elite category cause I was observer for the lower categories.
Sincerely yours
Roger Backgren
Ladies and gentlemen ... The BikeTrial 2010 Season start in Italy ! Saturday 03 April 2010 at Snack'n Trekking in Legnano (Milan) start the first round of BikeTrial Italian Championship 2010. 6 section for 3 round. Allowed Categories: Poussin, Benjamin, Promotion, Minime, Expert, Junior, Senior, Elite. At 10,30 o’clock start of technical control, awards at 17,30 o'clock.
Free Transfer from Airport Milano Malpensa
Starting fee 15,00 € with on-line registration. 25,00 € without on-line registration.
To register fill out the online form or write to info@biketrialitalia.it
Payment during tecnical control.
Rules for foreign competitors:
All the foreign competitors are admitted.
Foreigners competitors will be included in the ranking of the competition but not in the ranking of Italian Championship. Foreigners competitors must sign "Acknowledgement of the risks".
Many other information on www.biketrialitalia.it
On line registration link: http://www.biketrialitalia.it/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=121
February 2010
An indoor competition was held in Sweden last Sunday. There were competed four categories - from the beginners up to elite - in the cave called Area51.
January 2010
December 2009
Hello Hiro, Hello to All,
Today is a holiday in Italy and I work for BikeTrial.
Vittorio Brumotti is a Italian BIU Biker. Hi has won the BIU World Championship Expert in 2004. Now become a star of Italian TV! Vittorio participates in the absolute most watched broadcast in Italy. "Striscia la Notizia" on Canale 5. A great promotion for our sport. The transmission is followed daily by 7-8 million people with 25% share.
This is the link:
Today I write to the editor of "Striscia la notizia" thank Vittorio Brumotti for the great work of promoting the BikeTrial. Will also bring your greeting.
Giuliano Gualeni.
BikeTrial Italia.
Hello Anna,
I'm Giuliano from Italy.
Now I wonder if you can advertise this event. It would be nice to have some participants from Europe.
The BIU 2009 BikeTrial Italia season is at the end. We are organized to finish the year one BikeTrial Race in the Snack'n Trekking BikeTrial structure visited by Hiro in September.
Ciao, Giuliano"DIRECT CLASH 2009"
Sunday 13th December 2009 in
Snack'n Trekking
Via Per Castellanza, 4
10 minutes from Milano Malpensa Airport
What is "Direct Clash":
"Direct Clash" is a BikeTrial Race with direct elimination.
This is the rules:
32 participants.
4 bikers start simultaneous in 4 different zone. 1 minute per zone. 30 second for transfer at the next zone and Start. Total Time 6 minute per 4 zone.
2 minute pause
Second Round.
If the bikers not start at the signal of the Director = 5 penalty. In case of parity win the biker more fast in the sum of section time.
The first 8 bikers go in final races: The Direct Clash.
2 bikers start simultaneous in 2 different zone. 1 minute per zone. 30 second for transfer at the next zone and Start.
If the bikers not start at the signal of the Director = 5 penalty. In case of parity win the biker more fast in the sum of section time.
The winner go to the next level.
the loser may recover its position in the round losers.
Final Round:
The winner of the first round fights with the winner of the loser group.
The winner of B Group must win 2 times.
Cash Prize
First: 100 €
Second: 60 €
Third: 40 €
Fee: 20 €
Foreign participants: Free.
Free transport service from airport to race.
For Info and registration:
November 2009
October 2009
We are very happy that Catalonia was accepted as an independent member of the E.B.U.
Dear BikeTrial Delegates and BikeTrial Friends,
Bellow I´m sending a short report from the Minutes of the E.B.U. Annual General Meeting which took place on 19th of September, 2009 in Hook Woods in the United Kingdom.
As there was more than a third of the E.B.U. Committee was accepted to go through these:
- Belgium, Italy and Catalonia were accepted as the new members of the E.B.U. All new members are warmly welcome! Finland was expelled as a member of the E.B.U. Nevertheless all Finnish riders, minders, parents and officials are very welcome at all E.B.U. events.
- The European Cup 2010 will be held in Italy, Germany and Slovakia (or Czech Republic). European BikeTrial Championship 2010 will be held in Andorra. The calendar of the European BikeTrial events we will publish as soon as possible. Please wait for it for coordination with you national Championships.
Enclosed I am sending you also a photo which was taken just before AGM in the U. K.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincerely yours,
Anna Smehlikova
Assistant to the President of the E.B.U.
September 2009
Dear Hiro and Anna.
Yesterday we had the 5:th and final round of the Swedish Championships, a nice and sunny day but we had a lot of rain the days before.
The sections was really slippery but the riders enjoyed it anyway. I'll attach the results.
Best Regards
Roger Bäckgren
Biketrial Sweden
BIU/EBU Delegate
August 2009
Dressler Camp 009 report
Dressler Camp 009 is history but it remains deep in hearts of all participants. Josef Dressler with his team organized his 3rd Camp on 12-16th August 2009 in Tanvald, Czech republic. This year's Camp had 230 participants and many spectators from 7 European countries. Dressler Camp was primarily about trials riding and biketrial contest was held every day. The main star of whole Camp came from UK. Ali C won all contests at Dressler Camp 009 and became this year's hero. Ali won TSG Retro Race, Monty Eliminator Race, Freestyle Trial Contest and its Best Trick and finally Saturdays main competition - Fallen Trial Contest. First three days of the Camp Josef made biketrials and trials school with top Czech riders teaching others. Legendary Ot Pi of Spain performed his biketrial school on Saturday afternoon. Each participant had an opportunity to rent biketrial, freestyle, freeride or downhill bikes and also trials unicycle.
There was also child corner with toys for little kids, but they mainly rode their bikes all around the Camp site. Night parties and live concerts were essential ingredient of Dressler Camp as well. Table football tournament took its part in this year's Dressler Camp afterparties to fulfil Dressler Camp's motto "Trial, Fun and Rock´n´roll". Saturday night raffle gained some money for Paracycling team Cerni kone and Cystic fibrosis foundation. As we can see the reactions and impressions of the participants, they loved Dressler Camp's atmosphere most. And the atmosphere was really great and friendly. Thanks to everyone for supporting Dressler Camp 009 and we want to meet you again next year in Tanvald. More event info at www.dressler.cz .
Josef Dressler
DRESSLERshop team
ICQ: 373446847
ICQ (pepa): 421444824
Dear Hiro and Anna
We had the fourth round of the Swedish Championships last Saturday. An hard competition for most of the yellow and red riders. I'm happy to tell you that we had 31 riders in the event, this years highest number so far. One round left.
I'll attach the results.
Sincerely yours
Roger Bäckgren
Biketrial Sweden
BIU/EBU Delegate
July 2009
Hi friends.
Biketrial-spain.com has just released a new DVD. This time it is from European championship held in L´Escala (Spain). It is a double disk DVD, with two awesome musical videos, interviews to the winners and all happened that nice weekend of final May.
If you are interested to get it, please contact with enric@biketrial.es.
Totally professional postproduction thanks to the collaboration of Xavi Martinez, a biketrial fun who is working in the Catalunya national TV as digital graphic designer, making the postproduction of some programmes and night news magazines.
Thanks for your interest !!
Enric Gibert Castroverde
+34 609 446 068
Dear Friends!! Today we have make the Spain Cup Indoor
Impressive! Spectacular the Spain Cup of Biketrial Indoor, in the Tarragona city!!
in 2 days video youtube!
In September DVD!
The organization has remained very satisfied.
Surely with help of "BAC" we will be able to organize more events as this one or more important in the next years.
Regards! Sincerely yours Angel Batlle!
June 2009
will be held on 11th and 12th of July, 2009This weekend celebrates the Spain Cup Indoor, the following day of the competition of trial indoor with motorcycles. In Tarragona.
A Biketrial park has been inaugurated recently, in Torredembarra (Tarragona-Catalonia), it's being one of the biggest of Spain, video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqyYy9nbKTg
Soon another biketrial park will be inaugurated in Igualada (Barcelona -Catalonia) in the next's weeks.
On July 11 and 12 there is celebrated the Biketrial's first exclusive FAIR with a lot of activities, stands, contests, competitions for riders and for the public.
Program Saturday:
- competition raised of step 9.30h
- Minidual competition (minors 14) 10h
- Superdual competition (14 i major) 11h
- Speech explanatory Biketrial 12h
- Explanation of mechanics 17 to 18h
- Competition for repair of wheel 18h
- contest of Drawing 17 to 19h
- contest of Photography 17 to 19h
- Finals of Minidual 19h
- Finals of Super Dual 20h
Programmes On Sunday:
- exposition of Classic bicycles the whole day
- Veterans' competition Veterans/Fathers 9h
- competition of Classic 10h
- competition Catalan Cup Elite indoor 11h
- Course of initiation 17 to 17.45h
- competition not initiated 17.45h
- competition lateral jump 18.30h
- competition Balance (minors of 12) 19h
- competition length jump 19.30h
With prizes and gifts for all the participants
Administración BUE
Biketrial Unión Espanola
Poster 1
Poster 2
Entry list
TERCHOVA, SLOVAKIA, 7th of June, 2009
The Results
The photos
was held on Saturday, 6th of June, 2009
BIU NEWS 2009 in June
(Photos from Yoshitaka Fujinami)The event had great success and Takahisa Fujinami (Japan/Montesa)/1990 Poussin World Champion) got the 2nd Places on Saturday and Sunday. It was very exciting competition especially on second day. Funami and Toni Bou (Spain/Montesa) finished with tie score. Finally Bou won with more cleans. And nephew of Fujinami, Yuga Ujikawa (BIU 2008 Poussin Vice-World Champion) did very good job. He did his demonstration (with wearing ALIEN suit/a CM character of Weider-sports supplements of MORINAGA CO.LTD. The main sponsor of the event) at many places in the venue of MOTEGI circuit during the event and he made a good promotion for Weider & Biketrial with his loving bike Monty 207Kamel in front of more than 10,000 people.
Yuga Ujikawa passed the qualification of Team Japan for 2009 WBC China Ping Tang and he will participate to Benjamin class this year. Good luck!
News No.11 dated 09/06/2009
- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS - Club BikeTrial Garrotxa
Dear BikeTrial friends, in a few days I will change my e-mail adress, please remember this new e-mail : rai@biketrial.es
The old address (rai@biketrialgarrotxa.com) will be available only until next Saturday.
Best regards
Rai Arjona
Club BikeTrial Garrotxa
May 2009
As we got e-mail from EBU about this issue yesterday, here is the explanation from Hiro about it.Actually we issued this rule about 15 years ago. Since then, we had only one time problem with a Spanish Elite rider and there was no any problem with the other. I think this rule is already understood by riders and delegates. About the confirmation of the list of ELITE 2009, I sent the list to the delegates of the countries which hold Elite riders (Czech, France, Japan, Slovak Spain and UK) and it was accepted by them before issue it. Now less than 3 months before the WBC, we should not change anything about rules. What we can do is to make our discussion about this issue in the BIU congress in August for the next season like always. That will be no problem.
News No.31 dated 28/05/2009LOGO & URL OF BNU
Following is the list that BJU got the logo and URL. Thanks for your corporation! If you do not send it yet, BJU is waiting.NATION LOGO URL Andorra Not received yet Not received yet Argentina Not received yet Not received yet Australia Not received yet Not received yet Belgium Not received yet received Canada BIU sent it to BJU Not received yet China received received Colombia Not received yet Not received yet Czech Not received yet Not received yet Finland Not received yet Not received yet Germany Not received yet Not received yet Hungary Not received yet Not received yet Italy received received Japan Latvia Not received yet Not received yet Malaysia received received Portugal Not received yet Not received yet Russia Not received yet Not received yet Singapore Not received yet Not received yet Slovak Not received yet Not received yet Spain received received Sweden received received Taiwan received received UK Not received yet Not received yet Ukraine Not received yet Not received yet USA BIU sent it to BJU Not received yet BAU Not received yet Not received yet EBU Not received yet Not received yet News No.30 dated 28/05/2009
Dear Anna.
Yesterday we organized a competition at Sofiero castle in Helsingborg as a part of Sofiero classic show.
That is an exebitition of old cars, motorbikes and bikes. We had approximate 9000 spectators around the competition and nice sunny weather.
It was realy good propaganda for our sport.
The results
Sincerely yours
Saturday 02th May, in Castiglioncello (Livorno), took place at the second round of the Italian BikeTrial.
On www.biketrialitalia.it are visible classification and reports of the race.
On www.adrenalinechannel.it are visible the movies of the race. On the home page you can see the preview. To see the full service (more than one hour) just click on "Video Gare" and register (user and password).
At the European Cup on 28 June to Darfo Boario Terme have the same service and two local television stations.
See you Friday to Brezova!
Giuliano Gualeni.
April 2009
Retrouvez tout les résultats et les photos sur le lien ci-dessous :
En français : http://www.k-124.com/k124days/index.php?option=com_content
All the results and the pictures on the link below :
In English : http://www.k-124.com/k124days/index.php?option=com_content
March 2009
The Koxx Days was held in France the last weekend. It was a very nice competition.
We congratulate the organizer for the excellent event.
More information and some photos are on the website:
The results you can find on the website:
The European BikeTrial Union would like to thank Mr. Jan Havelka, Mr. Brian Matthews and Mr. Rafael de la Torre for their great help for our sport and for the supporting the riders during the many BikeTrial events. We wish them many personal and professional successes in the future.
Jan Havelka
Brian Matthews
Rafael de la Torre
- Letter from BIU
Dear Libor,
Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
About the matter, I think it is one major reason that we could not go on with UCI.
Actually they do not understand the difference between Cycle race and Competition of Biketrial.
Race is racing to be the first to goal than the other and do not want to help any other competitors.
But Biketrial competition is a sport to challenge to same difficulties one by one and when somebody fell down, the other will help the rider sometimes. And when somebody made clean, other competitors will give a big hand for the nice riding. It is very friendly. This kind thing will never happened in race.
They cannot mix it together.
And balance and technical sport like Biketrial, riders should start in young age than road race.
Race is dangerous to go over the limit sometimes by heat. But we have the rules to keep limit for the kids and check system of sections.
Our sport is new. kids are very important for our future.
See the situation of USA, there were a lot of young riders before. But since they changed system they lost many riders and now only some old riders and a few top riders. Only 3 riders took part in a competitions even 100 spectators come to watch.
We should find best solution but the matter is something more important than they might thinking about.
I asked an opinion to Pere and please wait.
Sincerely yours,
Ciao Libor,
Il giorno 22 marzo alle ore 13,30 parte l'attivita BikeTrial Italia 2009.
Dopo il successo ottenuto al raduno open del 1° febbraio ci sentivamo in dovere di ringraziare i partecipanti genovesi ( e non solo ) svernando in riviera.
Grazie al regolamento 2009 e viste le caratteristiche organizzative liguri ci e sembrato giusto partire con una gara meno impegnativa di una prova di Campionato Italiano e quindi destinare la manifestazione ad essere il 1° Campionato Regionale di Bike Trial.
Il luogo di svolgimento e il Campo scuola di Trial di Scarpino.
L’attivita e agonistica per le 4 categorie che sono Minime, Junior, Senior ed Elite e che riceveranno le maglie di Campioni Liguri. Oltre a premiare i primi 3, da ricordare che la maglia la prendera il primo arrivato, per ogni categoria delle 4 menzionate, tesserato in liguria. Le altre categorie riceveranno gadget di partecipazione.
La tassa di iscrizione sara di 10 euro per tutti i partecipanti che si iscriveranno sul sito www.biketrialitalia.it nella apposita sezione. Chi non si iscrive potra partecipare pagando 5 euro in piu. Coloro che volessero partecipare ai percorsi promozionali e sono senza tessera dovranno aggiungere il costo della assicurazione giornaliera di 10 euro.
Massimo Iacoponi.
February 2009
The new championship is beginning in Italy
Ciao Libor,
Ecco in anteprima la grafica dei Numeri Fissi per la Stagione Agonistica 2009. Il fondo della tabella riporta la grafica dei tabelloni che verranno utilizzati per tutta la stagione. Ogni tabella sara personalizzata con i dati del concorrente e della Associazione Sportiva di appartenenza. Prenota il tuo numero loggandoti ed inserendo i tuoi dati nell'apposito form.
BikeTrial Italia fornira il numero a colori, plastificato, forato e con due fascette al prezzo di € 2 pagabili al ritiro sul campo gara. In alternativa il concorrente potra scaricare il file pdf per stampare e plastificare il numero in proprio dall'area download dove rimarra comunque disponibile per tutto l'anno.
Il numero sara disponibile una settimana prima dell'inizio del Campionato Italiano.
January 2009
Dear Hiro, dear Libor, dear friends.
Some news from Italy.
We're proud to inform you that is officially on line the new site: www.biketrialitalia.it/
From now on it'll be the reference about italian BikeTrial.
The main purpose of this site is to become an helpful database for organizers and riders in order to facilitate procedures, entries, ecc.
Just for this, we invite all of you (organizers, riders, fans, ecc.) to inscribe clicking on "Registrati" and following the procedure (the form is in italian becuse the site layout doesn't allow a clear english form, however it's intuitive and it shouldn't be difficult to perform it). For any help, please contact me and Giuliano (giuliano@biketrialitalia.it).
Of course you'll find the usual informations of italian BikeTrial (calendars, rules, ecc.), but also all info from all world (races, organizers, news, curiosity, ecc.).
You can find the english translation at the bottom of all articles that can be intresting for all foreign people.
Take into account that the site is at the beginning and it'll be improved step by step.
Concerning this, you've surely seen that my e-mail is changed. We think that is a nice thing that all members of italian comitee have an e-mail extension "@biketrialitalia.it".
Please change my e-mail address into your mailing lists and sites into: federico@biketrialitalia.it
Last but not least, a *GREAT, GREAT, GREAT THANK YOU to Giuliano Gualeni and Massimo Iacoponi *who realized all of this.
December 2008
November 2008
News from Italy
Dear Delegates and Biketrial Friends,
Let us inform you about a change in representation in Italian BikeTrial.
We would like to express many thanks to Mr. Mauro Moioli in his very good work for BikeTrial and support for Italian riders. Last week Mr. Moioli handed over his position to the designated Mr. Federico Tarchi.
We wish Mr. Tarchi good speed and next growth in BikeTrial in Italy, where, after a long time, will be the international BikeTrial event next year.
Sincerely yours,
Anna Smehlikova
on behalf of the E.B.U. Committee
October 2008
News on K-124house.com
Bonjour, Le 1499 sera disponible a partir du 15 Octobre prochain. Ayant reçu une quantité limitée, nous vous conseillons de réserver votre vélo des maintenant sur notre site de vente en ligne :
Merci a Guillaume Dunand pour sa place de 5eme aux Championnats du Monde 2008, au guidon de son YAABAA 1499 !!!
September 2008
BIU 2008 China Ping Tang World Biketrial Cup
On 21st of September, BIU 2008 China Ping Tang World Biketrial Cup was held by Ping Tang government and BIU on 21st of September in Ping Tang National Geopark. It's the first world Biketrial event in China nature terrain with 6 sections, 33 China riders and 5 invited Elite riders participated in the event. Specially, the organizer made a great Opening Ceremony to welcome the riders. The event was held successfully, Japan rider Kazuki Terai won the champion, China young rider Zhao Xuan No. 2, Canada rider John Webster ranking No. 3. Details please check below:
August 2008
July 2008
Photogalery from Belgium
http://picasaweb.google.com/mistral4u/ -
News on K-124house.com - Pro-KIT
More info at www.K-124house.com
News on K-124house.com - Promo fringues
More info at www.K-124house.com
June 2008
Last Sunday the Essex BikeTrial Club (England) organised an exhibition/arena trial in Brentwood town centre and we have put some pictures on www.picasaweb.google.com/ebtcbiketrial where you can click on brentwood demo and see some of the riders in action. As you can see we made sections for riders of all ages and abilities (including dads!) and it was a fantastic day with the mayor of Brentwood presenting the trophies at the end.
Stuart John Matthews
General Secretary E.B.U. -
News on K-124house.com - MONOCYCLE
More info at www.K-124house.com
May 2008
News on K-124house.com
More info at www.K-124house.com
April 2008
News on K-124house.com
More info at www.K-124house.com
Peppl dirt
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March 2008
February 2008
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January 2008
Shanghai Biketrial Jam 2008
On the first day of the new year 2008, Shanghai Biketrial Jam was held in the center of Shanghai by China Riders to celebrate the new year 2008, about more than 30 riders from each city have a nice jam, BIU president Mr. Hiro attend this competition and make exchange with China riders. More information on:
http://www.xbreaker.com/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=1875 On 31 December 2007, Jin Mao Tower International Biketrial Competition was held by Shanghai Sports Council and Jin Mao Group, BIU president Mr. Hiroshi Hirano was invited to attend the event. 3 Riders Zhang Jincheng (China), Javier Zapata (Columbia) and Xavi Casas (Andora) succeeded in riding from floor B1 to the 88th floor, covering 2008 stairs and climbing 348.8 meters high in Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai China by bicycle without feet or any part of body or bicycle (aside from the tyres) touching the floor, walls, or any other part of the building. They all broke their own Biketrial climbing records before, special 35 years old rider Javier Zapata never gave up in the climbing to realize his dream and show Biketrial spirit to the people. Details below:
July 2007
Josef Dressler will organize on the weekend 20th - 22nd July 2007 DRESSLER CAMP which will be held in Tanvald, Czech Republic. More information, time schedule and registration you can find on www.dressler.cz or you can contact euro@eurobiketrial.com or josef@dressler.cz
See poster of DRESSLER CAMP 007
Tanvald is located in the Northern Bohemia, 120 km by car from Praque, see: http://www.mapy.cz/?query=Tanvald..
See the place of the event: www.tanvald.cz On 14 July,National Biketrial Jam in China was held in Jinan Yanshan Park,18 riders from Beijing, Tianjin and Shangdong have a competition,15 years old rider LI JIUPENG who will participate in the WBC Jappan Round win the new rider category, all have more fun through the day. Details please check below: http://www.xbreaker.com/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=1576
May 2007
Shandong Biketrial Jam in China
Dear friends,
on 30th May 2007,Shandong Biketrial Jam was held at Black Tiger Fountain in JINAN , 12 Riders participated in the competition and learned more from each other, some riders warmed up for WBC Japan round. JINAN TV made interview on site Xbreaker Report. Check Below:
http://www.xbreaker.com/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=1506Dani Comas injured
The World BikeTrial Champion "Elite", Dani Comas suffers from a brake of the scaphoid bone in one of his hands and he is to be out of the competition between 2 or 3 months.Shanghai BikeTrial Jam
On the 2nd May, Shanghai BikeTrial Jam was held in western Shanghai Hong Qiao Garden, about 30 riders from Guangxi, Shangdong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Sichuan and Shanghai etc. participate in the Jam, all riders have a good opportunity to exchange and develop riding tricks, also some of the riders will participate in the WBC Japan round in August. Please click here for more details: www.xbreaker.com
April 2007
On the 28th and 29th April 2007 was held in Ukraine
Hortica Cup 2007. See photos at: http://www.playbike.ru/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=41&page=1
March 2007
BikeTrial UK has elected the new committee.
The new EBU delegate is Mr. Brian Matthews, e-mail: brianandada@hotmail.co.uk. BikeTrial in United Kingdom has new web pages: www.ukbiketrial.co.uk or www.britishbiketrialunion.co.uk .
January 2007
Dear friends,
We would like to thank you for all wishes in the New Year which you have sent us. We attach the wish from Slovakia and beautiful picture of sunrise from Hiroshi Hirano.
Translation of the text: Cyklotrial racers wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. P.S.: Thanks for your cooperation and supporting our sport.
Beautiful sunrise in Japan.
November 2006
European BikeTrial Championship 2007 will be held in Terchova, Slovakia in the term 2nd - 3rd June 2007
See: www.terchova.sk; www.vratna.sk; www.zilina.sk
September 2006
European Cup 2006 Tatranská Lesná
- Agenda
- European cup 2005
- Poster
- Results
- Photos
- Short report from the pleasant event
August 2006
- Report from Japan round of WBC 2006 from the Chinese delegate
- Photos from France
- Photos from Japan
- Photos from Singapore
- Final results of WBC 2006
- 4th round of WBC 2006, Seki-Itadori, Japan, RESULTS
- 3rd round of WBC 2006, Sentosa, Singapore, RESULTS
- 2nd round of WBC 2006, La Tour de Scay, France, RESULTS
- 1st round of WBC 2006, La Alberta, Spain, RESULTS
- Event calendar
- Entry forms
June 2006
WBC Program 2006 - update
click here
click here
Second round of the Swedish Championships happened on Sunday 11th 2006
See results
May 2006
Formal invitation to the European BikeTrial Union Annual General Meeting which will be held on Sunday 28th May between 1830hours and 2000hours after the European BikeTrial Championship in Blansko, Czech Republic.
First round of the Swedish Championships happened the past weekend on 6th - 7th May 2005.
See results
April 2006
Biketrial event in Kysucke Nove Meste, Slovakia
New BikeTrial components were tried at the BikeTrial competition which was placed in Kysucke Nove Mesto, Slovakia at the end of the March.
BikeTrial games contained two typical components - the high jump and the jump over the crossbar. The innovation was in implementation of the new type of section "WHO ARRIVE FURTHERMORE?" Sections were composed from the obstructions from the lowest level to the highest. Valued was: who comes furthermore and contact of the bike or foot with the ground meant automatically the end.
In the small category Pousin riders got over 3 - 5 obstructions, Benjamin c. 8 - 10 obstructions, Minime got over 13 - 15. It was similar to the older categories.
The total winner was determined by summing of placing. Competition was transparent and the moderator commented individual outputs. Feedbacks from the spectators and from riders were very positive. Mr. Lubomir Janoska would recommend to work off this system and use it for all indoor events, could be used for Indoor European Championships as well.
Mr. Lubomir Janoska would prefer it before races like SPEEDtrial because it is closer to BikeTrial (balance, accuracy, assembly, techniques) Results are published at www.toptrials.sk
News from Mr. Hiroshi Hirano
Singapore Bike Trialists, a 10-men group will be heading up to the Philippines to participate in the coming weekends event & to promote Bike Trial in South East Asia.
All the best guys!!
Updated info for the weekends event in the Philippines:
We're honored to inform everyone that we'll be having the
1st Philippine RED BULL 4X RAMPAGE during the 2006 Terry Larrazabal Bike Festival. The competition will be feature the top mountain bike riders in the Philippines battling it out to be the 1st Philippine Red Bull 4X Rampage winner.
The TLBF will be the first time that the Red Bull Rampage will conducted in the Philippines, and we the top mountain bike riders will be participating in the competition.
March 2006
- European Biketrial Indoor Championship Puchov
25th - 26th March 2006 Multipurpose Sport Hall (the new one)
Agenda here
More information
Invitation letter
Minutes of the Meeting, 5.2.2006
Transport information
Application form
Video - Indoor World Championship 1996 - 2000 (69MB)
Registered riders
Biketrial Club Zariecie
Reminder - Important notes
Cyklotrial buletin
Report about the Indoor competition from E.B.U.
Photos from the 1st Indoor European BikeTrial Championship
Photos from the organizer
Photos from European BikeTrial Union -
Indoor European BikeTrial Championship results
Official version - Slovak version
Translation - English version Photos from the 1st Indoor European BikeTrial Championship
Photos from the organizer
Photos from European BikeTrial Union
1st Indoor European BikeTrial Championship 2006
During the first spring weekend, March 25th - 26th, 2006, was held 1st Indoor European BikeTrial Championship in Puchov, Slovakia.
Organization of this competition was great as well as the whole competition. More than 60 riders from 12 European countries meet in the new Multipurpose Hall.
Present were also the very known riders from Spain, Dani Comas and Cesar Canas.
We hope to meet all of you again in Blansko!!!
Results of Asia Pacific BikeTrial Cup 2006
click here
Indoor European BikeTrial Championship results
click here
New web pages in Andorra!!!
Link for a rider : www.xavicasas.com
Link for the trial : www.eurobikes.org
Link for the school : www.eurobikes.org/escola
BWR in Tokyo
On March 14th, 2006 Mr. Cesar Canas will challenge the BWR hurdle jump to brake his record set in 2002 (40 hurdles) in Spain.
New BikeTrial school in Andorra
Mr. Xavi Casas opened a new BikeTrial School
February 2006
E.B.U. News 1.
More information about licences
Form for issued licence (for delegate use)
Download here
Actual list
E.B.U. License Application
Download here
January 2006
- Look at the B.I.U. Event Calendar 2006 here
New BikeTrial School at Thriftwood Scouts Site, Brentwood, United Kingdom started on January 15th 2006 under the leadership of Brian Matthews. You can learn the skill of BikeTrial riding!!! There are 3-hour training classes at two-week intervals, supervised by experienced BikeTrial riders and officials, for boys and girls new to the sport from 9 - 18 years. More information on www.thriftwood.org.uk
BikeTrial School Poster
Mr. Dmitry Nechaev from Russia was invited to the WB Congress as a special guest. He published his thoughts and opinion about the WB Congress and BikeTrial on http://biketrials.ru/board/viewtopic.php?t=22395. There are many comments from Russian people. How Mr. Dmitry said, they are very happy that B.I.U. is coming to their country.
December 2005
The end-of-season BikeTrial competition
Final results
November 2005
Swedish Biketrial Championships 2005
Final results
October 2005
European BikeTrial Championship 2006
European BikeTrial Championship 2006 will take place in Blansko, Czech Republicon May 27 th - 28 th 2006. The tracks will be proceed in woody and rocky grounds upon the city and will be situated at the same place where the WBC was organized in 1996. Mr. Radim Kakac, the director of Europen BikeTrial Championship 2006, introduced organizers and place of this competition at the World BikeTrial Congress in Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz) on November 18 th - 20 th 2005.
Slovtrial cup, Klubina, Slovakia
Joint cup of BikeTrial and motorcycle trial was held on October 22 nd 2005 in Klubina, Slovakia. This special action which was made up and organized by Mr. Lubomir Janoska, allowed to all participants to confront both type of these "close" sports. A speciality of this cup was that every rider could choose difficulty of the track. One of the sections was common for both sports. BikeTrial showed up as a more technical one. This cup visited 80 riders from Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland.
German championship 2005
Final results
September 2005
Latvian championship 2005
final standings and photos
Final results
Photos here
See new E.B.U. brands...
Picture here
European Cup 2005
The first event of European Cup took place in Poprad, Slovakia on September17th. There were 63 riders from 6 countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and United Kingdom). It was the first time when Ukraine riders came to the international event. It is very positive because BikeTrial is very popular in their country( www.uatrials.com ).
The event was placed both on artificial and on natural sections just in the center of Poprad in the beautiful surroundings of a modern thermal spa. Even though unfavorable weather, the organizers did great work and the cup had a high level of performance. I believe that this project will be followed through it the next yearsas well with such enthusiasm and so high participation.
Libor Musil
Photos here
Hello Libor,
no photos at the moment I am afraid. We have had an excellent Biketrial weekend. On Saturday in Alingsas (many sections re-used from the European round) with lots of dabs. In our category A the winner had 47, number 2 68 etc. But no-one of the 13 riders had 100!Results :
Saturday- Elite Levin, Peter Bäckgren, Johan Brundin, Thobias Lindström
- Cat A Daniel Johansson, Christoffer Olsson, Philip Lundman
- Cat B Winner Lukas Lundman
Cat C
Winner Marcus Igelström
- Elite Peter Bäckgren, Björn Levin, Joha Brundin
- Cat A Same as Saturday
- Cat B & C: Same winners as Saturday
- Elite, Swedish Champ - Björn Levin with Peter as runner up.
- Swedish Junior champ - Daniel Johansson with Philip Lundman as runner up.
August 2005
Nokia grand prix 2005
On Saturday the 19th of August the Nokia grand prix 2005, a large competition in freestyle trial, took place in Riga, Latvia. A good number of professional and amateur riders took part, including riders from Estonia, Lithuania and Russia, as well as the English rider Mike Steadman and biketrial world champion stars Josef Dressler (Czech Republic) and Stefan Pcola (Slovakia). The performance level of the entire event was high and those spectators present went away very happy indeed.
Photos here... -
Final round of the World Championship 2005 took place in Japan
World Championship 2005 took place in the United Kingdom (23.7. - 24.7.), Andorra (30.7. - 31.7.) and the Czech Republic (6.8. - 7.8.)
European Cup will be held in Poprad, Slovakia on 17th September 2005. The organiser is Mr. Stefan Pcola. You can find more information on www.cyklotrial.sk
June 2005
Continuous results of the National Championships in the European countries (June 2005)
One event of the British national championship took place in Addingham Moorside,United Kingdom on Sunday 19th June 2005. Addingham is also the place of the British event of the WBC 2005. Photos here
May 2005
Report from the European BikeTrial Championship 2005 that was held in Alingsas, Sweden on 28 and 29 May 2005
An international competition in Zarecie was held on Sunday 22nd of May. Riders from Slovak Republic, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and other countries took part in this Middle Europe's Cup. You can find the results from the event here. Results
One event from the Championship of the Czech Republic took place in Brezova, Czech Republic on Saturday 14th May 2005. It was opened to the foreign riders (Germany, Slovak Republic). Photos here
The final list of the EBC participants was issued by the organisers. Participants of the European BikeTrial Championship 2005
April 2005
Sweden will be hosting the European Biketrial Championship (EBC) in 2005. It has been decided that for this competition we shall try a new system of having a selection of ‘International’ observers in charge of the sections, instead of all of the observers coming from the host country.
Guidelines for International observes
On the 26 April 2005 there was a meeting between the delegation of theB.I.U. and UCI in Aigle. In the friendly atmosphere the various options of mutual relationship and cooperation were discussed. Photos here
Delegation of the B.I.U.:
Pere Pi - Originator of BikeTrial
Hiroshi Hirano - President of the B.I.U.
Libor Musil - President of the E.B.U.
Enric Rubio - General Secretary of the B.I.U.
Delegation of UCI:
Hein Verbruggen - President of the UCI
Olivier Quéguiner - Manager Coordination Sportive
Johan Lindström - Sports Coordinator - BMX / Trials
Peter Fisch - Swiss Cycling Federation
On 17th April 2005 the 4th BIU 2005 ASIA PACIFIC BIKETRIAL CHAMPIONSHIP took place in Japan, town of Nirasaki Photo here. Results
From the 5th to the 11th of April 2005 Stefan Pcola organised a training camp by the sea in Croatia for more than 30 young riders from the Slovak Republic, Czech Republic and Poland. Janka Kucova, Stefan Pcola, Piotr Reczek and Rafal Kumurowski worked there as trainers. Photo here
March 2005
E.B.U. Committee meeting 2005
It took place in the seat of the E.B.U. on the 26th March 2005. Another progress in the working plan of the E.B.U., preparation of the European Biketrial Championship 2005 in Sweden and preparationof the European Cup 2005 in Slovakia were discussed at this meeting.