Summary of the EBU meeting on 26.03.05
Slavkov, Czech Republic
The European Biketrial Union (EBU) committee held its second progress meeting in the town of Slavkov in the Czech Republic on 26th March 2005. The EBU president Mr Libor Musil chaired the meeting and a number of important issues concerning the EBU working plan were discussed. The promotion, development and co-ordination of the sport of Biketrial within Europe was again the priority of all topics.
i) Confirmation was given of the registration of the EBU and the preparation of a contract to be signed between the EBU and BIU in order to govern the relationship and co-operation between both parties.
ii) The second European Biketrial Championship will soon be upon us. Mr Musil will be making a visit to the Swedish organisers of the competition in order to assess the preparation of the event and to offer any further assistance and support from the EBU if required.
iii) A meeting of all EBU delegates will be arranged at the Swedish event and a progress report from the EBU committee will be presented to them detailing the work that has been carried out in the last 9 months. They will also be asked for their opinions and suggestions. Each delegate will also be required to give their assessment of the event once it has concluded.
iv) The first European Cup event will be held in Poprad, Slovakia on 25.06.2005 and the organiser will be Stefan Pcola. This will be supported and promoted by the EBU.
v) Financial assistance for the setting–up of the EBU has been received from the BIU and this has assisted in the preparation of a new website for the EBU (www.eurobiketrial.com) which is almost completed. The idea of the EBU web page is to provide a central point of contact throughout Europe allowing users to have access to information from all member countries. All EBU delegates will be asked to ensure that there is a connection to the EBU web page on their national web pages. They will also be asked to forward details of other interesting websites that can be found in each country, including both rider profile sites and commercial sites. Again links will be set up to give access to these.
vi) Mr Musil will be representing the EBU at the BIU/UCI meeting which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland on 25-26.04.2005. The EBU committee believe that any proposals will have to be listened to and assessed carefully, but the sport of Biketrial has to be protected in order that it does not loose its identity and to ensure that all of the hard work over a number of years is not lost.
Recorded on 28/03/2005 by Stuart Matthews, EBU General Secretary.
Slavkov, Czech Republic
The European Biketrial Union (EBU) committee held its second progress meeting in the town of Slavkov in the Czech Republic on 26th March 2005. The EBU president Mr Libor Musil chaired the meeting and a number of important issues concerning the EBU working plan were discussed. The promotion, development and co-ordination of the sport of Biketrial within Europe was again the priority of all topics.
i) Confirmation was given of the registration of the EBU and the preparation of a contract to be signed between the EBU and BIU in order to govern the relationship and co-operation between both parties.
ii) The second European Biketrial Championship will soon be upon us. Mr Musil will be making a visit to the Swedish organisers of the competition in order to assess the preparation of the event and to offer any further assistance and support from the EBU if required.
iii) A meeting of all EBU delegates will be arranged at the Swedish event and a progress report from the EBU committee will be presented to them detailing the work that has been carried out in the last 9 months. They will also be asked for their opinions and suggestions. Each delegate will also be required to give their assessment of the event once it has concluded.
iv) The first European Cup event will be held in Poprad, Slovakia on 25.06.2005 and the organiser will be Stefan Pcola. This will be supported and promoted by the EBU.
v) Financial assistance for the setting–up of the EBU has been received from the BIU and this has assisted in the preparation of a new website for the EBU (www.eurobiketrial.com) which is almost completed. The idea of the EBU web page is to provide a central point of contact throughout Europe allowing users to have access to information from all member countries. All EBU delegates will be asked to ensure that there is a connection to the EBU web page on their national web pages. They will also be asked to forward details of other interesting websites that can be found in each country, including both rider profile sites and commercial sites. Again links will be set up to give access to these.
vi) Mr Musil will be representing the EBU at the BIU/UCI meeting which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland on 25-26.04.2005. The EBU committee believe that any proposals will have to be listened to and assessed carefully, but the sport of Biketrial has to be protected in order that it does not loose its identity and to ensure that all of the hard work over a number of years is not lost.
Recorded on 28/03/2005 by Stuart Matthews, EBU General Secretary.