6. Other
Lubomir Janoska
Discussion topics
- Organizational matters
- Revenues and sales budget of E.B.U. for the year 2005
- Revenues and sales budget of E.B.U. for the year 2006 (with agree proposal of taxes and starting fee)
- Evaluation protocol (archiving of the documents, methods of archiving, evaluation of competitions for internal needs of E.B.U.)
- Registration of a trade-mark of E.B.U./B.I.U at the Pattent Office CZ
- Proposal of the resolution CAMPU
- EC - Europien cup - philosophy, direction
- Changes of regulations
- Definition of outer size for 20" and 26"
- Suggestion of implementation CADET-JUNIOR category, limitation of the age, size of bicycles, colors…(common suggest with E.B.U.)
- Arrangement of the FEMINA´s category (common suggest with SCU)
- Support of the International observers (common suggest with E.B.U.)
- Support of E.B.U. proposal for implementation max. 3 rounds of the World Championship and 1 round of the European Championship (common suggest with E.B.U.)
- implementation of the new competition's category - Biketrial multicontest on the national and international level, technical resolution, registration
Lubomir Janoska
Treasurer of E.B.U., delegate E.B.U.
- Organizational matters
Current model of Biketrial World Championship seems to be very expensive and time consuming for many riders. If you look for instance on this year, there was very low number of participants in some categories in comparison with years before. We propose to decrease number of competitions or to establish new model.
One possibility could be to have World Champ as one competition and in parallel to have World Cup consisting of 3 comps organized in different countries.
Petr Vencl
It's very important to have B.I.U. Web pages. Biketrial International Union is not presented on the web at all.
It's very bad for all riders and for the sport itself.
There is a lot of information to be presented, starting from presenting the sport itself, the rules, national organizations, calendar, WC results , partners, .... These day there is probably no other sport, which you woldn't find on WWW.
Petr Vencl
Hi, Mr Kai Malaska wrote me and asked if I from behalf of Finnish riders have anything to say to the meeting. Kai didn't receive my email. I resent it but if there is something wrong in the email system I will write the greetings to you as well as I wrote to Kai Malaska. We established an official club which helps a lot when communicating with authorities. For example to get a permission to keep a competition in a public place as we did once during the last season. The name of the club is Bike Trials Finland ry. The name does not imply according which rules the members are riding. During this season as you know we rode according modified rules i.e. strictly speaking we didn't ride BikeTrial (BIU rules) but just over the stones :)
The club will decide the rules to follow for the next season. In practice the club will decide what chairman suggests. As a chairman of this club I have already stated to go for BIU rules for the next season as I have stated in my emails to you. Most of the riders already agree with me. The modified rules didn't work as well as was expected. Living is learning :)
Greetings from Finland,
During the two last season we hold 8 competitions (4 on each season). Three of them was made by Mr Kari Mäkinen with helps of their Motocycle trial club and one was made with Mr Aki Lakkamies with help of a couple of riders. All other were made by me and Aki Lakkamies. During this season more than 40 riders participated the competitions.
So, that's the news from Finland as I have seen it being one of the most activate guy in Finnish bicycle trial (which will be BikeTrial next year) during the past two years.
International Observers
I would like to propose that to make the observing in the sections both fairer and of a higher quality, each participating country in an international competition should supply at least one 'chief observer' for one of the sections. The delegate from each country should guarantee that the nominated observer should have the necessary experience for such an important competition and an 'International Observer Co-ordinator' will register all International Observers.
This proposal was tested by the EBU at the 2005 European Championship and although there were only a small number of International Observers present, the idea appeared to work well.
Stuart Matthews
Number of competitions
I believe that very few riders have the time and money to travel to all four rounds of the BikeTrial World Championship. Maybe more riders would go to all of the rounds if there were only three competitions. One example of how to reduce the travelling would be to organise all three rounds in Europe one year, then the following year they could all be in Asia and so on.... Another reason for fewer World Championship rounds is that both the European and Asian/Pacific Championships are growing in importance and therefore this is another International event that the riders will be travelling to.
Stuart Matthews
Anna Sidlikova
Discussion topics:
- Financing of multinational organization
- fees of the member’s countries
- getting sponsors for B.I.U. and E.B.U.
- biketrial - Olympic sport
Selection of organizers of EUROPEAN CUP , WORLD CUP
- 3 rounds of World Cup - maximum, 1 round of European Cup
- level of camp on World Cup
- participation all delegates at JURY´s meeting
Rules correction and completion
- finance valuation of Elite, Master till 7th position
- establish category Junior - 17-18 - 1 year riders or fuse category Cadet 15-16 with 17-18 years old riders under common name Junior 15-18, easier route course for them
- changes in category Femina
- cancel long pants as a compulsory outfit (web pages of B.I.U.)
Anna Sidlikova
presidentess SCU
Hiroshi Hirano, Japan
I want to talk about only the rules next year and demotion matters from Elite and Master classes.
About rules, I have some requests from some delegates and some organizers of WBC. not many but there will be some to talk about.
Hiroshi Hirano
About your program schedule,
I need time for (this is my reason to come there) to talk about BikeTrial as a name of the sport. This point is one of the bigges problem when talking about BikeTrial.
Also need time to talk about B.I.U, E.B.U, U.C.I, NATS........ especially B.I.U and E.B.U (WBC and EBC)
Need a blackboard or assets to draw on.
Regards: BikeTrial Delegator of Finland
Kai Malaska
Another proposition already discused with Enric Rubio
In order to avoid a second general meeting after the CZ friday general meeting, BikeTrial could maybe go into new technologies and Internet tools asking everybody to electronically treat all remaining items and finally prepare a poll so as to vote and decide.
You can see a free blogger in www.blogger.com or a free group (including a poll system) in Yahoo http://es.groups.yahoo.com/ Although, other kind of tools are available.
What do you think about it?
Marius Molla
All your comments are welcome. Please send your comments and ideas on euro@eurobiketrial.com Thank you for your cooperation.