5. Suggestions for corrections and completion rules
Biketrial Italia: Report on Meeting 2005
Dear delegates,
For business reasons I unfortunately cannot be present, but I still have a couple of proposals concerning activities of the bike-trial.
In Italy 6 tests for the championship are organised. The data of the tests will be decided on the basis of the international calendar of B.I.U. We are ready to organise a test for the European championship pursuant to the agreements made at the Brezová meeting. I would like to ask the president of B.I.U and all other delegates whether a relevant system separating B.I.U and U.C.I. could be approved.
There is a rule in Italy saying that who takes part in the B.I.U championship cannot take part in the U.C.I championship, or in other words, double registration is not possible in Italy. Why not accept the same rule on the international level, too? In my opinion, even though the fact that the riders will not be allowed to take part in 2 championships, which will separate the two federations from each other, might look too daring, there is the unquestionable fact that the actual bike-trial is just the B.I.U and without a clear rule just confusion will result.
Thank you very much for your helpfulness. I am ready to answer any further questions of yours any time.
Best regards
Moioli Mauro,
Italian delegate
On WC competitions you can see very different performance of individual referees and in many cases also different application of the rules . In Czech Republic we have very good experience with having team of licenced referres . They are trained once per year. Their performance on all CZ competitions is very stable a standard. Also the feedback from riders is quite positive. BIU should also try to have a team of Licenced International Referees and every WC organizer should preferrably use referees Licenced by BIU.
Petr Vencl
Czech Biketrial Commitee is supporting the idea to create Junior category both for 20" bikes and for 26" bikes or to prolong cadet category till the age of 18. The riders are too young in 16 to start to compete in Senior or Expert category. It's a big shock for most of them. They are very often demotivated and in many cases they even quit their biketrial career.
I'ts quite a standard almost in all other sports that young sportsmen compete untill the age of 18 in Junior category and not with seniors.
Petr Vencl
Brand championship:
It is necessary to clarify what exactly hapens with this championship; we need to work to get all the brands interested in its participation (and contribution). It will be positive for our sport and our budget.
Already discussed inside Spanish delegation.
Enric Rubio and Marius Molla
Difficulty level of the sections (organization):
as a general way of BikeTrial runs organization, we propose sistematically the first half of the sections with a lower level than the second half of them so as to motivate riders. In any case, whether possible, maximal difficulty obstacle have to be -preferably- at the end of each section and not at the beginning.
Already discussed inside Spanish delegation.
Enric Rubio and Marius Molla
"Assuring a foot": How could we avoid this "bad" practice?
Could we penalize when a rider "assures a foot" instead of keep on trying the section in its normal way? Could we give a "minus 1" every time a rider gets a zero? Other possibilities?
Already discussed inside Spanish delegation.
Enric Rubio and Marius Molla
Visiting the sectons before each run:
1 elit rider anf 1 master rider (decided by a lot) have to accompany the jury in order to give advice. A bonus will be given to these two riders for its effort (some money (i.e. 50-60 Euro) or maybe the possibility to choose its position in the start list).
Already discussed inside Spanish delegation.
Enric Rubio and Marius Molla
Dear Mr. President of BIU, EBU and dear delegates, these are some ideas from Slovakian discussion to the Slavkov congress:
- Take action to make Biketrial Olympic sport. Technical group of BIU and EBU
Commitee should be charged with this task.
Here I want to react to one part of Notes from common meeting of BIU and EBU in
Brezova on the 5th August 2005 which says that for biketrial should not be the
target to become an Olympic sport but instead of that to be popular over the world.
I believe this thought is contradictive.
- Popularity of Olympic sports grows fast because television, radion, press are very interested in Olympic sports, they prefer these sports. Media are naturally interested in Olympic sports. And this is all connected. The more some sport is in media, the more are the sponsors interested in it.
- Government gives to the Olympic sports much higher grants from state budgets then to the non-Olympic sports.
- The highest goal of every sportsman is to get to the Olympic Games.
We suggest to decrease the number of rounds of WBCH to 3 rounds per year.
Into the final ranking would be accounted the results of 2 rounds in each category.
Individual competitions would be organized during the year in different months
(not week after week).
- The 4-round WBCH is very demanding for money, organization, time and also very physically tiring. The riders are not professionals (not even Elite and Master riders) - I mean the riders cannot live on biketrial. They have to work or they study.
- There will be bigger choice for quality organizer.
- Technical group of BIU and EBU Commitee should get the financial resources for BIU and EBU through fees of the member countries but they should also attract sponsors and media partners for BIU and EBU. Besides this television companies should be contacted, broadcasting of competitions should be organized on Eurosport and other channels.
- At JURY meetings by WBCH there should be present all delegates of competing riders. The dealing is then more complicated but more democratic. Why 4 countries should decide about problems of riders from 18 attended countries? They might by not informed properly about their problems. The more delegates are presented at JURY meeting the more objectively they can judge the problems during WBCH but also they can give more objectiv positiv rating of WBCH.
Set up financial awards for category Elite and Master for at least 7 best riders in these categories.
- Categorization of riders to Elite and Master class is moral and sport recognizing, not financial (except on the first 3 riders). What is more the rules block the possibility for riders to go back to Senior or Expert category..
- Public, media and sponsors think higher of the 3rd place in Senior then the 6th place in Elite.
Set up category JUNIOR again in Technical rules of BIU for 17 - 18 years old riders.
Cancellation of this category was not right.
- Junior category is natural and self-evident category in every other sport.
- We suggest in category Femina to start only 14 and more years old women (blue colour of sections). Jounger girls could compete with boys but one category lower then the boys (for example: 11 - 12 years old girls would compete in category Poussin). We think that the handicap system should be cancelled. Also we think that the condition for this category - to compete at least 6 riders from minimally 5 countries - should be cancelled. This condition was relevant a few years ago when there were not enough girls competing..
Category Cadet can ride red sections at WBCH but they should have easier parts
in sections compare to senior riders (possibly to juniors) marked by arrows of
different colour.
- Most of the riders (Cadet) experience shock when they go from blue sections
to red colour sections and they often give up biketrial.
- I recommend for BIU to set up web page.
- Technical group of BIU should pay attention to the standard of campings for WBCH participants. Most of the campings do not look like that there stay people who participate at such important sport event as WBCH is.
- I think the obligation to wear long pants at competition should be cancelled also - young people would have the possibility to choose what they want to wear what could make biketrial to look more attractive.
- I agree with suggestion of Mr. Marius about the cards and voting.
Many of you are maybe surprise that we have this many suggestions. I have been personally present at about 24 competitions of WBCH. Our suggestions are expression of our good will to help to make our sport better, to attribute to higher quality of its organization because we all like it. I would like to thank to Mr. Musil for his willigness to organize this Congress and also for the good idea about this discussion about interesting topics before Congress.
Best regards,
Anna Sidlikova
- Take action to make Biketrial Olympic sport. Technical group of BIU and EBU
Commitee should be charged with this task.
Here I want to react to one part of Notes from common meeting of BIU and EBU in
Brezova on the 5th August 2005 which says that for biketrial should not be the
target to become an Olympic sport but instead of that to be popular over the world.
I believe this thought is contradictive.
Correction of category Cadet
I accept the suggestion of Libor Musil and I would like to extend it about this suggestion: Beside category Junior 20" (age rate from 14 to 18) I suggest to establish a category Junior 26".
A motivation for boys in age rate 14 - 16 will be higher - possibility of choice and in addition it empowers talents, who are able to continue to category Master, where are very few active riders at this moment.
Lubomir Janoska
Stuart Matthews - the experiences from the application of project "International observer" in 2005 and what to do next...
Libor Musil
Correction of category Cadet
Proposition: Change of the age group to 14 - 18 years in category Cadet and change of the name of the category Cadet to Junior
- Reasons/benefits:
- Low "shock" for young riders from moving from Junior to Senior in age 16.
Being 16 is very difficult era for young man. There are many riders after category Cadet, who are losing their motivation because of a big competition in category Senior. If we will give them a perspective for next 4 years after children's category (poussin, benjamin, minime), they may have a bigger motivation improve themselves year to year and they can rival with the same age group and common skills. After this a Scratch system will have a big importance. - Our sport needs the category Junior.
Junior category is in "all" sports and always follow children's category. We should not do individual category Junior (after Cadet). In the past Junior category was already cancelled not to apply a load to competition's organizers.
Libor Musil
- Low "shock" for young riders from moving from Junior to Senior in age 16.
Suggestion concerning back-signature of the cards:
One proposition that I already heard in UK and once again in Andorra (2005):
In order to avoid any kind of "change" of cards during a race a certain number of cards could be back-signed with an indelible marker by three different people from three different countries (i. e. 3 members of the jury using a bureau stamp). The same initial number of back-signed cards has to be collect at the end of the race. There is no possibility to receive from a rider any card without the stamped signs. This measure would, of course be mandatory for all the runs of Word Championship. What do you think about it?
Dear Mr. Hirano,
Dear delegates,
We´d like to five you some of our ideas for changing the BIU rules.
- no handicap in the femina-class
(advantage: more transparency for the spectators, because the handicap system is not comprehensible for them), - the age of participation in the femina-class should be 14
( reason: a 14-years old girl is strong enough to compete against an older girl), - the younger girls are allowed to take part in the accordingly boys classes
( reason: boys and girls in that age have nearly the same constitution)
Vice-President of the B.I.U.
Jorg Treue
German Delegatebr
- no handicap in the femina-class
All your comments are welcome. Please send your comments and ideas on euro@eurobiketrial.com Thank you for your cooperation.