4. Regulations for selection of organizers of WBC, EBC, APBC... in the future
Decrease a number of the World championship events on 3 every year (count with 2 best results in children category and with 3 in adult's categories).
- Benefits of this project:
- bigger competition between candidates for WBC organisers, so B.I.U. would have more choices who to pick up. Bigger competition between organisers - superior events for everyone
- less stress, tiredness and financial costs for children category - more children will came (count only 2 best results)
- less cost for "adult's" categories (3 events)
- every organizer will have the best riders in adul's categories
- bigger interest of riders to take part in international regional contests - EBC, APBC, ECup...
Libor Musil
All your comments are welcome. Please send your comments and ideas on euro@eurobiketrial.com Thank you for your cooperation.