European BikeTrial Championship 2007, Terchova, Slovakia
- The film about EBC 2007 from Czech television (in Czech language) for download here (size 289MB, 30min)
- See short film from EBC 2007. It is in Czech language but you can see good jumps. See http://www.stream.cz/clanek/1083-v-biketrialu-jsme-nejlepsi-v-evrope
- On Monday, 4th June 2007, Czech television published short line from EBC 2007, Terchova, Slovakia.
The shot you can find at the end of this line. See:
Shot by Slovak TV: here - Final results of EBC 2007
- Photogallery
- Presentation of EBC 2007 - fast connection recomended
- Starting list - updated on 23nd May 2007
- European BikeTrial Championship 2007 will be held in Terchova, Slovakia in the term 2nd - 3rd June 2007
See: www.terchova.sk; www.vratna.sk; www.zilina.sk - Agenda
- Please see the short film from WBC 2004 here (19,6MB), which was held in Terchova, Slovakia.
- Europe in Terchova - the map of the sections
- Terrain, jump and the viewers in Terchova - you are welcome to EBC 2007!
- See short film - BikeTrial day in Sulkov
- Poster of EBC 2007