• B I K E T R I A L I T A L I A

    Dear Biker,
    as you might know, ASD DYNAMIC TRIAL Sport Association organize the day of Sunday, July 10, 2011 in Sonico (Brescia Province) the third stage of European Cup BIU Bike Trial.

    On the website www.biketrialitalia.it we have already been published some useful information (how to reach us, hotels available, useful services, agenda, catering, tourist info and much more) to allow you and your loved ones to organize your holiday in this picturesque mountain village in the province of Brescia.
    On the same website, as soon as possible, will be published more information on other activities that will be offered to all bikers and visitors:
    first of all the Direct Clash (Saturday 09 July), an innovative type of International BikeTrial Competition that promises to be exciting and spectacular, both for bikers and for the spectators.
    There will also be able to attend a concert of an important italian rock band, for those who will be present at the Friday evening, or attend the performance of some art writers after the Direct Clash on Saturday night.

    Our advice is to just visit the website www.biketrialitalia.it to search for relevant information and, if you do not find what suits you, please contact us with no problem at following e-mail address: info@biketrialitalia.it or by tools that are published on the page EC2011 - CONTACT US of the
    2011 European Cup Section.

    Your information has been collected from other sites related to the BikeTrial, if not our wish to receive more information follow the cancellation of this NewsLetters service.

    Giuliano Gualeni
    Italian BIU Delegate

    Fabio Branchi
    Dynamic Trial Sport Association

    Hello to all.

    Dear Biker,
    the Entry List of BikeTrial Direct Clash in Sonico the 09 July 2011 is Open !
    The registration in competition is free and open to all Riders, BIU - UCI and other National Federation.
    You can read the DC Rules and all other information on www.biketrialitalia.it
    750 € of money award is ready for the winners and for many participants in competition.


    BikeTrial Italia
    BikeTrial International Union / Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti

    Dear Biker,
    as you might know the entries for the 2011 BikeTrial European Cup competition which will be held at Sonico (Brescia) Sunday, July 10, are OPEN!
    We invite you also to subscribe in to the International Indoor Direct Clash to be held Saturday, July 9, again at Sonico, which is giving away numerous prizes (including cash!) to which you can participate for free (no fee entry) - if you have the requirements, read the rules published in the Direct Clash section.
    For any information, please see on www.biketrialitalia.it website and contact us at the address you find on the site.

    Caro biker,
    come gia saprai le iscrizioni per la gara di Coppa Europa BikeTrial 2011 che si disputera a Sonico (Brescia) domenica 10 luglio, sono APERTE!
    Ti invitiamo, inoltre, ad iscriverti anche alla gara internazionale Direct Clash Indoor che sara svolta sabato 9 luglio, sempre a Sonico, che mette in palio numerosi premi (anche in denaro!) ed alla quale potrai partecipare gratuitamente (se ne hai i requisiti, a tal proposito leggi il regolamento pubblicato nell'apposita sezione).
    Per qualsiasi informazione utile, visita il sito www.biketrialitalia.it e contattaci ai recapiti che trovi sul sito.