Dear friends, dear Hiro,
We publish today the "Official World BikeTrial Championship 2010 Agenda"
- Round 2 Italy
The printed Agenda on paper will be send to all National Delegate the 18th April 2010.
The PDF format file of "Agenda" is in free Download on the WBC 2010 Web Section in www.biketrialitalia.it web site.
See you soon in Italy !
Giuliano Gualeni
Dear Delegates,
the first content that we publish into WBC 2010 web section want to show the City of Darfo Boario Terme. This is not BikeTrial video but you can begin to know the location of WBC 2010.
Giuliano Gualeni
Italian BIU Delegate
BikeTrial Italia - News Letters Service
Dear Hiro, dears friends,
on www.biketrialitalia.it web site is opened a new section named "World BikeTrial Championship 2010". This section is divided into categories and will be populated with the WBC 2010 news starting today.
The section of the website will help the traditional systems of communication between BIU and BNU.
The section is only in English.
To visit the section click on the left or right WBC's Banner. The last section content will published also in the main page of web site.
The categories is:
Accomodation, Agenda, Competition Guide, Competition Map, Competition Results A Group, Competition Results B Group, Contact, Entry List, Mailing List, News, Photo Gallery, Promo, Route, Starting List, Transport Service.
Keep in touch !