In a month will be held in Castiglioncello Tuscany Italy the first trial of the European Cup. Soon will be open enrollment on www.biketrialitalia.it .
Attached the official event poster.
Best regards,
Massimo Iacoponi
The organizer of the event
This e-mail is send from BikeTrial Italia to all BIU Delegates. The contents of this e-mail is written or approved by Giuliano Gualeni, Italian BIU Delegate.
On our web site are published the photo of Villa Celestina, the head quarter of the first round of BikeTrial European Cup 2010.
A nice place for a good race !!!Go on biketrialitalia.it site and click on first article.
Giuliano and Massimo
This e-mail is send from BikeTrial Italia to all BIU Delegates. The contents of this e-mail is written or approved by Giuliano Gualeni, Italian BIU Delegate.
Dear Delegates,
on www.biketrialitalia.it, the official BIU Italian Web Site, is publish the new Web Section dedicated to EUROPEAN CUP 2010.
- Location VIDEO. Tuscany, Livorno and Castiglioncello.
- EBU official AGENDA.
- Location Map.
In the coming days will be published other new documents.
We hope to have many participants in the competition on the sea of Tuscany.
Keep in touch!
Giuliano Gualeni
Italian BIU Delegate
BikeTrial Italia - News Letters Service