Name: Jiøí ©mídl
Date of birth: 18. 4. 1975
Country: Czech Republic
European champion 2004
Category: Expert
1994 – 1st place in the World Championship in the category Senior
1995 – 5th place in the World Championship in the category Elite
1996 – 5th place in the World Championship in the category Elite
1996 – 1st place in one event of the World Championship in the category Elite
1998 – 1st place in one event of the World Championship in the category Elite
indoor (France)
2004 – 1st place in the European Championship in the category Expert
4 x 1st place in the Czech Biketrial Championship in the category Senior, Elite,
I started the biketrial after my father had taken me to see the World Championship in moto trial. I liked it very much, but there were the big problems with buying a quality motorcycle in that time, co I started to ride a bike in 1989. First I consider it only as a preparation for motorcycle racing but after two years of „knocking about“ I improved my skills and I was happy that I took riding the bike under my control.
I stopped to thing about motorcycles and I was nominated to take part in the World Championship in the Senior category after five-year work. I won this Championship and I moved up to Elite category.
In 1998 I started to be tired about riding and it did not make me fun. Also the trainings were almost a duty for me. I decided to end my career. For couple of years I rode trial on motorcycles. It was racing without stress for me. One day I went to see a biketrial competition. I regret that I could only peep and could not ride. I started to ride again. I have been riding till last season, which had brought me the first place in the European Championship in Finland and fourth place in the World Championship (category Expert).
My future plans: I do not plan anything, I do what I like, I will see what time brings.
The most favourite place of racing: Itadori – Japan, Ïáblice (part of Prague, Czech Republic)
Hobbies: motorcycles and everything that growls, skiing, floorball
My advice to the beginners: patience and to train more than a competitor